Have you ever seen those incredibly sentimental P & G "Thank You, Mom" commercials leading up to the Olympics? If not, watch this one (and try not to cry!).
I love the end... Being a Mom is truly the hardest but most rewarding job... and so is being a TEACHER!! In a lot of ways we can compare what we do as teachers to motherhood or fatherhood. We do it all- from wiping snotty noses to helping students get back up after a failure. We know "no significant learning can occur without a significant relationship." So as we listen to the stories of our Olympic heroes over the next few weeks, remember the importance of doing the same with our students. Ask them about their story, and share your own story, and you may find yourself becoming an even bigger fan... and rooting for their success like never before!
So how can students share their story with you and with peers?
Of course good old face-to-face interaction is the best way to begin building relationships with students. But technology can help students to share their story in a variety of ways! You might find yourself learning more about your quietest students when you provide them the opportunity to share their story using technology.
Video Creation- kids love to share about themselves and they love creating videos! Let's mesh the two.
If you are working with Kinder-1st grade students, programs/apps like Seesaw, Draw & Tell, Superhero Comic Book Maker, & Chatterpix provide a simple user-friendly way for students to create their own videos. Even Kindergartners can be independent with these apps!
2nd-5th grade students also love Seesaw and Chatterpix. They also gravitate towards apps like Apple Clips and iMovie. If you do not have iPads, your students can tell their story via Google Slides or WeVideo.
Here are some additional Olympic themed resources!
Olympics Google Slides with research and videos! (created by Tech Coach Mohler!)
Olympics 2018 Maker Space Ideas (created by Tech Coach Jacob!)
Winter Olympics Ideas for the Classroom- I love the Incorporate Technology & Mix Sports and Competition into your Routine sections!
Olympics Graphing with Google Sheets
Math Brain Teasers
BrainPop Olympics- Be sure to check out the Make-A-Movie Section!
Economic Impact- Winter Olympics by the Numbers
education.com Winter Olympics Ideas for the Classroom- I love the Incorporate Technology & Mix Sports and Competition into your Routine sections!
Olympics Graphing with Google Sheets
Math Brain Teasers
BrainPop Olympics- Be sure to check out the Make-A-Movie Section!
Economic Impact- Winter Olympics by the Numbers