
Friday, February 26, 2016

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

I just loved reading Dr. Seuss books when I was little and now I get to share those same books with my son! Read Across America Day is held each year on Dr. Seuss' birthday, March 2nd (He would have been 112 years old this year). 

On this site you will find a little more about Read Across America Day, including some fun activities: NEA's Read Across America

This post from Shannon's Technology Rocks! Seriously blog- (And YES, it seriously does rock!!) has TONS of Dr. Seuss themed games, activities, & lessons.
Seussville offers some fun online games for students.
Seussville Story Maker helps students create Dr. Seuss like stories.
Scholastic has lesson ideas using Dr. Seuss books.

Can't celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday without a little Green Eggs and Ham!!
Green Eggs & Ham Interactive Read-Aloud Video
Dr. Seuss biography in Pebble Go (contact me or your librarian for username/password): 
Technology Coaches Michelle Fikac & Elizabeth Garvic created this amazing resource- The Tech in the Hat! All of the activities are centered on technology integration using the works of Dr. Seuss! 
This is an example of one of the activities:
Another exciting idea would be to connect your class with another class via Google Hangouts (kind of like a Skype session). You could read a Dr. Seuss book and then discuss with the other class.  

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

3rd: Festivals

Students can use this Symbaloo to research the Texas Festivals. They can also use the attached brochures. Last year my 3rd graders created iMovie Trailers to advertise for the festivals. Let me know if you would like any support with a project like this!  
Texas Festival Brochures
After researching the festivals, students could write a postcard home pretending they were enjoying a day at one of the festivals. This is a Google Drawing template to assign in Google Classroom. To change the image, students will click, Insert, Image.
Interactive Games:

Monday, February 1, 2016

100th Day of School Activities

The 100th day of school is Wednesday, February 3rd. Here are some links/activities your students might enjoy!

Technology Rocks! Seriously! 
Fall Into First

I especially love this Free "If I Were 100..." idea from Teachers Pay Teachers & Angie Neal. You could use the Aging Booth app for the picture. Just be careful...I tried the app on myself and YIKES! ;)
Click image to see blog post by Angie Neal- Fall Into First
Click the downward arrow to download!

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